Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Moment in the play Essay Example for Free

Moment in the play Essay What do you think makes this conversation between Biff and Linda so moving and sad at this moment in the play?  In the play â€Å"Death of a salesman†, Arthur Miller have made this conversation between Biff and Linda so moving and sad in the manner of which by displaying Linda’s unwavering devotion to her husband Willy, in stark contrast to the nature of the conflicting relationship between Biff and Willy. These points are skillfully heightened by Miller’s use of language and techniques such as characterization, dialogue and stage direction. Miller have made this conversation between Biff and Linda so moving through the context of Linda’s unwavering devotion to her husband, Willy. Whenever Biff goes against Willy, Linda seems to always be the person to stand up for her husband against her own son. This is shown through the quote â€Å"Biff, a man is not bird, to come and go with the springtime.† We can see that Linda in a sense, an infinite moral voice in the play- a woman with a good will at heart. However, here the readers can clearly see through her comparison of Biff to a bird, she is strongly against her son’s freedom not only within her own thoughts, but in the context of Willy’s false values. Linda conforms to the standard of her husband lifestyle and thoughts, and therefore preventing Biff from what he truly wants to become, to have a freedom in life. This therefore make Biff [evasively] says: â€Å"I’m not hateful, mom.† Biff is pressurized by the weight of hopes and expectations his father gave him since he was young, thus this even make the reader feels even more moving and sad due to Biff’s parents weighing him down while he himself desperately says â€Å"I’m trying Mom,† revealing the misery of the Loman family under the influence of the American Dream. Miller have also made this conversation between Biff and Linda so sad and moving through Biff’s caring attitude towards Linda through dialogue and stage direction. Here the reader can acknowledge how much Biff cares for Linda when he [touches her hair]. This action of tenderness have proven his love for his mother whose her life, have been taking care of Willy, who is a disillusioned husband.†Your hair got so grey† he said, and when Linda replied back with â€Å"Oh it’s been grey since you were in high school†. This fact gives a glimpse to the past that due to Linda’s faithful nature, she’s been suffering since the early days-and this signifies how moving all of Linda’s actions when taken into consideration, when Willy himself have been chasing the American Dream this whole time bringing Biff along with him when he â€Å"blows him full of hot air.† The audience can really inspect this from afar and sympathise the disconnection between Biff and Linda when there really shouldn’t be harmony. The audience would feel even more moving when all of this facts is caused by the ruthlessness of the capitalist system, led along by the American society. In conclusion, Arthur Miller is able to weave an intricate web of different intepretations and ideas and brings out the most sympethatic emotion could expressed for the audience during this conversation between Biff and Linda-while Linda pours all of her heart out for Willy and introduces the theme of denial where she follows along with what Willy does. Biff has become the victim of the environment, where to an extent, is forced to conform to the ideals that Willy, the American society, has created. I think what most driven the audience to feel so sad is that through this conversation, they can see how the American Dream represents false hopes and values and it’s in fact an unattainable dream that causes destruction for the Loman family- the only thing that can keep us alive.

Monday, January 20, 2020

friendship in a separate peace by John Knowles :: essays papers

friendship in a separate peace by John Knowles Finding out who someone really is can be a very difficult thing to do. Knowing who some one is inside and out takes time and dedication. I learned that there are a few key factors when getting to know who some one really is. Character determination of a friend can be based on three things, honesty, trust, conflicts, and how they are resolved . The book a separate peace by John Knowles deals with all of these issues in the case of friendship. You can use these three factors to see how good of a friend a person can be, and determine there true character. All through the fifteen years I’ve lived this life there has always been one redundant term told over and over. Honesty is key, and if your talking about a friendship that ‘s true. If you don’t have honesty you don’t have anything to base your relationship on. Being honest to a good friend should be subconscious, and if it’s not then I wouldn’t consider them a good friend. You shouldn’t have to struggle with a friend to be honest. In a Separate peace Finny is always honest and speaks his mind. Gene on the other hand comes across honest, but you can never really tell. He should not have told Finny that he jostled the limb on purpose if he wasn’t even sure himself. In the movie Dead Poet Society each and every group member was honest to each other, and that’s why they were the best of friends. Also, they learned to think honestly by themselves from their teacher through ways of poetry. Much like how Finny learned hones ty through sportsmanship. Without knowing if Gene is honest or not, Finny and the members of the Dead Poet Society would have made much better friends. These friends where honest, and therefore could trust each other. Trust each other to resolve conflicts and become stronger friends. Conflicts are another way to determine someones true character. When a conflict occurs you can see what they do and how they react to the situation. Like when someone is cornered, and in danger of losing their life. Those animal instincts are a great way to see who some one really is. In a separate peace Gene deals with his conflicts by not talking about them and pushing his feeling down till they are gone.

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Research approach Essay

This chapter will present the research approach, chosen research method, sampling selection, materials, procedure, and method of data analysis of the current research. The present study adopts a quantitative approach through the use of surveys. It also is empirical and deductive, in the sense that it has gone through primary data gathering before making conclusions about the subject at hand (Sekaran 2000). Moreover, the study is also descriptive-correlational in nature. By descriptive, it has ascertained the levels of importance and actual performance of Body Shop along these factors which affect the buying choice of cosmetics among young females in the United Kingdom. It is likewise correlational in nature because it has aimed to establish if there are significant relationships among patronage of Body Shop because its products are environmentally friendly; belief that Body Shop is a socially responsible company; general patronage of products and companies that espouse care for the environment; and overall satisfaction of Body Shop Products The study made use of survey research to be able to gather primary data. A survey is beneficial for several reasons. First, it is able to gather a representative measure of a trait or characteristic, given a well-sampled group of respondents (Bryman 1992). Surveys are an effective means of data gathering given the constraints on finances and time. They are capable of describing charateristics of the sample of respondents who have accomplished it, and allow generalisations about the sample from which they were culled. Moreover, it is also effectual in gaining insights about the individual perceptions or assessments of the respondents on a given set of questions or statements. These lend themselves to statistical analysis (Bryman 1992; Malhotra & Birks 1999). Telephone surveys were used. Ritchie & Goeldner (1994), a telephone survey is carried out where respondents answer through the telephone as medium in contrast with personal administration. He further asserts that this medium even has advantages as opposed to personal survey deployment. They permit contact with individuals who are difficult to reach and may even make respondents more comfortable and candid with answering the questions. Moreover, it obviously allows savings in both time and cost. However, when not conducted effectively, it may come out as too impersonal and the researcher will also not see the body language of the respondent, which may sometimes be important. Information may be for straightforward questions only and may not be effective for highly sensitive research topics (Ritchie & Goeldner 1994). In the current research a survey was deployed to be able to ascertain the perceptions of the female respondents on factors that affect their purchase choice of cosmetics. These perceptions came in the form of the degree of importance attached to these factors and the actual performance of Body Shop on the same factors. There were also general statements that have to do with environmentalism, patronage of CSR-centric companies and overall satisfaction with a cosmetic product. 3. 1 Sampling Selection There was a total of 150 female respondents who participated in the study. This sample size was deemed adequate for the purposes of the study. However, to be able to qualify as respondent, the following inclusion criteria have to be met: The respondent should 1) be female; 2) have purchased a Body Shop product within the last 12 months; 3) be willing to participate in a telephone survey for 10 minutes. Thus, the researcher made use of purposive sampling (Salkind 2000). The researcher began only with 20 acquaintances who have then given referrals to be able to complete the sample size. This size will allow the use and computation of powerful parametric stastics. 3. 2 Materials The instrument that was used for the current research was self-constructed. The researcher went about designing the questions after an extensive review of related literature. From these were gathered insights on the factors which affect cosmetic purchase. After the initial design, the researcher showed the questionnaire to a subject matter expert to ascertain both face validity and content validity. Face validity suggests that the instrtument ‘looks’ valid, while content validity ensures that it measures what it intends to measure (Chisnall 1997). The evential aim for the instrument is to be able to provide a detailed way of presenting the questions while not incurring survey fatigue. Moreover, the researcher was careful about including only questions which were pertinent to the construct being measured, or they will be regarded as irrelevant (Oppenheim, 1992). This also suggests that the questions must allow the researcher to address all the objectives put forth in the research (Ghauri et al 2002). The questionnaire may either be sent through email or anwered personally by the respondents or through phone. In this case, the researcher opted to do telephone interviews, while marking the responses on the survey sheet. She has read each question loudly and asked the respondent to verbally express her rating on the statement. Questionnaires either describe or measure individual/group characteristics such as values, attitudes, opinions, etc. and contain four types of questions: demographics, behaviour, knowledge and attitude. Finally, they can be classified according to the type of response required, or the type of questionnaire administered (Chisnall, 1997). The first part of the questionnaire inquired about their gender and age, and whether they have purchased a Body Shop product in the past 12 months. The next two portions of the study inquired about the degree of importance they placed on the following factors:qality of the products; having a globally renowned brand name; competitive price of the product; tendiness or fashion sense represented by the product; the degree to which the product is environment-friendly; the customer service of the store personnel; the variety of product offerings in the store; the convenience of going to the store location; the sales promotions used for the product; recommendations or positive feedback I garner from my friends, family and acquaintances; media advertisements of the product; information on the product’s label; atractiveness of the packaging; the degree to which the product espouses â€Å"natural† rather than artificial; and the values espoused by the company who sells the product. These were all answered by ticking the box of their response (or expressing it directly in the case of a phone interview) within a 5-point Likert scale, ranging from strongly agree to strongly disagree. The last part of the survey presents the following statements, which also requires them to indicate their level of agreement on the same 5-point Likert scale: I patronise Body Shop because its products are environmentally friendly. I believe Body Shop is a socially responsible company. I generally patronise products and companies that espouse care for the environment. Your overall satisfaction of Body Shop Products Once approved as face and content valid, the researcher went about with the pilot testing of the questionnaire. This ensured that the questions were easily understandable and do not cause confusion. This required 5 respondents, from which no major changes were made on the instrument. 3. 3 Procedure The research entailed the gathering of both secondary and primary data. Secondary data came in the form of books, journals, and online sources which the researcher consulted to be able to draft Chapter 2 of the paper. Primary data, on the other and, entails the gathering of first-hand data through observations, surveys, interviews, and the like (Bryman 1992). To be able to gather primary data for the study, the researcher designed a questionnaire. The latter are usually the most feasible means of encompassing a large number of individuals that allows for valid and generalisable statistical results. With a well-designed instrument that is both reliable and valid, much substantive conclusions may be drawn. This is precisely the reason why the researcher has used this method in gathering primary data for the current research (Chisnall, 1997). After the design of the survey instrument, the researcher went about with the pilot study, which allowed him to check on the clarity of the questions (Chisnall 1997), through the suggestions of the 5 respondents who undertook it. They were requested to listen carefully to, answer the questions, and comment freely about each one. Moreover, this phase also allowed the researcher to estimate that each telephone interview will not last more than 10 minutes. The survey proper then followed, entailing gathering the respondents for the sample. This meant contacting acquaintances who were patrons of Body Shop and enlisting them onto the sample if they met the inclusion criteria (these are further discussed in the sampling section). Their responses were collated and statistically analysed. Substantive conclusions were drawn from the statistical results.

Saturday, January 4, 2020

We Need Embryonic Stem Cell Research Essay - 2259 Words

In 1981, Scientists found a way to extract embryonic stem cells from mouse embryos. Years later, in 1998, a method to extract stem cells from human embryos and grow the cells in the laboratory was discovered. The main purpose was to use the cells ability to regenerative as a method of treating diseases. As time went by, people started to oppose the idea of using embryonic stem cell for research. So, funding that helped continue research on embryos started to decrease. This conclusion came from some people considering that embryonic stem cells research was similar to killing babies. Others thought that research on adult stem cells was less controversial than research on embryonic stem cells. Embryonic stem cell research leads to the†¦show more content†¦But there are many factors to where someone would donation an embryo to a clinic. From a couple’s inability to keep the child to a mother risk of dying in the process of birth. As beautiful as the birth of life seems, i t is a dangerous process that could end the carrier’s life. The idea others are getting is that these embryos were created for the purpose of reproduction, not to be test experiments. From a poll, participants’ view of the point at which life begins, which was sometimes linked to their religious beliefs, had an impact on whether they found the use of embryonic stem cells acceptable. â€Å"Where do you draw the line between human being and embryo?† (Australia, Public). One question towards embryonic stem cells is that if it were approve, then who would fund this research? One source would come from taxes payer money. Polls have shown that though many people approve the research on embryonic stem cell, the favor of using their tax money to support this research is not likely to happen. On August 9, 2001, President Bush announced his decision to restrict the use of federal funds for research on human embryonic stem cells to those cells that had been removed from embryos on or before that date (NIH Stem Cell Registry). So, since George W. Bush Administrations policy on Human Embryonic Stem Cell Research was added. The policy towards embryonic stem cell research has placed extremely seriousShow MoreRelatedIs Embryonic Stem Cell Research Ethical?951 Words   |  4 PagesIs Embryonic Stem Cell Research Ethical? The introduction and expansion of embryonic stem cell research initiated a highly debated ethical topic. Can our society agree to disagree? What are embryonic stem cells? What are stem cells? Is all stem cell research considered abortion? Debates surrounding embryonic stem cell research is further complicated by social standards and needs, religious beliefs, and personal morals. In November of 1998, a group of researchers announced that theyRead MoreIs Stem Cell Research Ethical?1252 Words   |  6 Pages Is Stem Cell Research Ethical? The question that has been asked so many times, is stem cell research ethical? To argue ethics over this topic, one must first know what a stem cell is.Stem Cells are â€Å"cells with the ability to divide for indefinite periods in culture and to give rise to specialized cells† (Stem Cell Basics: Introduction). The National Institutes of Health say that stem cells are distinguished for two different reasons. The first is â€Å"they are unspecialized cells capable of renewingRead MoreStem Cell Essay1061 Words   |  5 Pagesbe treated with the use of embryonic stem cells. Embryonic stem cells are cells derived from the undifferentiated inner mass cells of human embryo. In simpler terms, these cells have the ability of developing into any of the two hundred different cell types in our bodies. 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On a scientific and medical aspect it is compassionate people lookingRead MoreFor years, scientists have been using stem cells to help cure diseases and research different1000 Words   |  4 Pagesusing stem cells to help cure diseases and research different illnesses that come from deformed cells. In recent years, however, a debate has risen over where we should get these stem cells from. Because of the way stem cells are helping sick individuals and furthering research, the use of stem cells shouldn’t be stopped. The sources from which stem cells are acquired, however, should be limited. While acquiring adult stem cells is completely safe and productive, using embryonic stem cells is unethicalRead MorePersuasive Essay : Stem Cell Research1489 Words   |  6 PagesPersuasive Essay Stem Cell research and its funding have caused a lot of controversy throughout the past years. Stem cells are cells that are present in all living organisms. These cells have the potential to grow into any type of cell, including blood cells, nerves, muscles, and pancreatic cells. Stem cell research is essential because of the beneficial aspects it has to offer. Stem cells could potentially treat conditions such as Alzheimer s, Parkinson s, birth defects, strokes, Diabetes, cancer